Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School

Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School school enjoyed a stellar reputation in Chicago’s Jewish community yet now was facing growing competition from Chicago’s independent schools as well as Chicago Public Schools. The school needed to tell its story in a fresh way that conveyed its strong academics and warm Jewish program.

Partnering with school leadership and an outside agency, I led a brand refresh resulting in new brand architecture and an integrated marketing campaign, Be Amazing. The campaign helped achieve record enrollment and fundraising levels, won a Silver Trumpet Award and brought to life the many benefits of a Bernard Zell education—creating a new-found sense of excitement and pride among Bernard Zell students, parents, faculty, alumni and donors.

Advanced the social media presence for Bernard Zell.

FaceBook • Twitter • Instagram • Pinterest • YouTube • Blog

Increased Facebook followers by 59% in first two years and by 89% during my tenure.

Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center

The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is a world-class museum that conveys the story of the Holocaust through the lens of local Holocaust survivors. When I joined the museum 1 1/2 years after its inception, it was suffering from declining admission levels and a lack of awareness within the Chicago area. I set out to secure the partnership of an agency that would work with the museum as a pro bono partner.

I successfully secured the partnership of Edelman Worldwide which donated a total of $350,000 of in-kind services which led to over $1 million dollars in exposure. Together we refreshed the museum brand and created the museum’s first integrated marketing campaign, The Power of One—a campaign that amplified the museum’s message of inclusivity and the power of each of us to make a difference. The Power of One informed all fundraising outreach for the organization’s annual Humanitarian Awards Dinner which raised over $2.6 million, the museum's highest grossing event of the time. 

Illinois Holocaust Museum: The Power of One video

Utilized digital strategy to advance social media.

Increased Facebook followers by 73% in one year and created dialogue
with followers in 25 countries.

Lillian and Larry Goodman Foundation

The Lillian and Larry Goodman Foundation is dedicated to strengthening Jewish life in Chicago, the United States and Israel, as well as improving the quality of life within the Chicago metropolitan area by supporting secular organizations which address education, hunger issues, and promote the prevention of drug abuse.

Established in 1994, the foundation had no brand identity, website or unique phone number when I joined the organization in 2009. I established buy in throughout the organization for the need to advance the foundation’s identity and then spearheaded brand development for the foundation and its entities, including the design and launch of the organization’s first website.